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Difficult to believe that one can look after himself by massaging precise points of the ears. But the auriculotherapy, issue from the acupuncture, is henceforth recognized as being a real discipline by the World Health Organization.

The ear hides several mysteries. By observing an auricle, one can think that it has the shape of a baby, upside down, the legs folded up. You can imagine its, heart, its intestines, and its spine. It is one of the bases of the auriculotherapy or auricular acupuncture. There are, in the ear, points, which correspond to the command of each of our organs. It is thus enough to prick the auricle with a needle to activate a signal at the level of the brain and to act on the organ in cause, as a switch that lights or switches off a light bulb.

As a matter of fact, it is a rather recent discipline because doctor Nogier elaborated it at the beginning of the 50's. The auricle contains nearly one hundred thirty duly indexed points. The doctor acts on one or several points in cause in the disorder to be treated. For example, for sciatica notably, the practitioner uses a point, which, if one resumes the image of the foetus, corresponds, to the place of the lumbar vertebrae. Your feet are hurting? The point is situated on the top of the ear, in the place of the baby's foot. Most of the time, the doctor stimulates several zones during the same session, in order to act in a much more global way.

A real treatment against the pain
The great field of predilection of the auriculotherapy is chronic or acute pain, from the lightest to the most intense. Including in emergency, to relieve a sprain or a fracture for example. It can also be used for pains that persist after the treatment of certain cancers. Pains reach to the brain by nerve impulses. To some extent, ears constitute switching way on this circuit. By pricking them, it decreases the intensity of painful crises. Numerous studies confirmed these data. One of them must be soon published in an international medical review, The lancet. And especially, they showed that, contrary to drugs, the auriculotherapy was absolutely without danger and had no side effect. It is regrettable nevertheless that this discipline is often considered as a treatment of last recourse. One tries all the drugs, all others therapeutic and, finally, if results are not satisfactory, one knocks at the door of the auricular acupuncture. It is pity. Why not do the opposite?





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